The “Mezzatorre Hotel” takes its name from the old tower used from the people of Ventotene to protect the Island from the Saracen’s invasion. The Tower became in the 800 century a private  home and in the 90 year was detected from the Pennacchio’s family, which following a careful renovation, obtained from it one of the best receptive building of the Island. The Hotel above the sea offers a marvellous view; The little Island of “S.Stefano”, the beach of “Cala Nave” and the nearby  “Ischia” are the scenario of this Mediterranean building  that thanks to his simplicity and to the typical colors of the island, revive the atmosphere of a traditional Ventotene’s house. Sobriety and elegance makes of the Mezzatorre Hotel a modern structure that can still claim the precious tradition of Ventotene concerning hospitality and a careful family supervision.